Connect the physical world to the digital world

Smart Factory v1.0

Automation & Industrial IOT platform

Key Features

Industrial Automation

Connect your control systems, critical stand-alone or grouped assets, other sub-systems through a flexible, secure & intuitive digital platform.

Remote Monitoring

Easy setup & control, monitor Industrial facilities & assets via wireless data logging, web & mobile applications. Automated checks with configurable schedules

Sensing & Monitoring

Extract data from your assets, gain meaningful insights with condition-based monitoring solutions. Draw upon historical asset data to predict maintenance and make assets more self-reliant

Customised Dashboard with Analytics

Dashboard with KPIs, such as daily production, monthly production, On/Off status for a process line in different views for quicker and meaningful insights.The tool facilitates collection of data from various silos into a common data lake for a holistic view of organizational health.

Asset Health Monitoring System

Improve fault management strategies with real-time analytics, trends & reports.View asset, process-level historical events with information related to priority, state, condition, acknowledge state etc.

Connect. Share. Monitor. Analyse. Act

Establish a secure and reliable foundation for your journey of digital transformation.





Increases Productivity by




Lowers Maintenance Costs by




Reduces Downtime by


Use Cases

End-to-end Industrial Automation & IOT Services

Industrial Sensor Solutions

Automation & IOT sensor solutions for smart factory solutions. Rugged sensors built for harsh environmental conditions with high accuracy and reliability.

Gateway Solutions

Gateways & data acquisition systems with MODBUS RTU & MODBUS TCP Network , the device can be pre-configured to poll and collect data from a variety of industrial assets or nodes, data are sent to the centralised server via TCP/IP or cloud server over WiFi, 2G/3G/4G, Bluetooth, LoRa. The Device support SSL with multiple configurable protocol like JSON / MQTT / FTP.

Industrial automation solutions

Engineering & Commissioning of automation projects. Build customised HMI screens for specific process, PLC/DCS based process control solutions, automation panel set-up, up-gradation of existing systems, etc.

AI/ML Based Solutions

Condition-based monitoring solutions based on AL/ML algorithms. Advance AI/ML techniques to detect outliers well in advance and flag miscellaneous anomalies that might result in machine downtime. Digital-Twin modelling of industrial facilities and assets to optimise overall asset life and performance.

Edge Processing

Improved Speed/ Reduced Latency with Edge based processing (Eg. Tiny ML) support for localised status and processing.

Cloud-based solution

Get access to complete control and visibility over your data. Automatic updates and quick to deploy and scale solutions over cloud IT infrastructure like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Preferred Partners

Pricing Models

SaaS Model

(Monthly & Yearly Subscription Models)

  • Usage based pricing

Enterprise Solution

  • Customised solutions fitting to your specific requirements

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