
Initializing and connecting raspberry pi 2 through Ethernet cable to your windows 10 powered Laptop

So here was I, a beginner in field of pi. I am a hobbyist and like to get my hands dirty into the circuit. So eventually it was my time to land on pi and I was damn excited. But then came I came across the different accessories of r-pi lcd screen, camera, mini keyboard, etc , and I was like ,am I gonna buy these all to use r-pi and I was pretty sure I had to figure out something.

First thing which I had to do, was to get an operating system for my pi. So this was easy, get an SD card and load os on it. Here is the process to load an os on Raspberry pi. Insert SD card in your Laptop. First download SD Formatter to completely erase previous data from your SD card.

Now u will have to download Xming and run it on your laptop. Xming provides the X Window System display server,
a set of traditional sample X applications and tools, and a set of fonts. So now you can have a GUI with your Linux r-pi.

Download putty.exe from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

Get an image of OS https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/

Get Win32DiskImager to mount Image of your OS into your SD card. From http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

Open win32diskImager and select your OS and you are ready to get going!

Insert SD card into your R-pi and voila!! You are done now, all you need is r-pi on your laptop and give it access to internet.
R-pi access to Wi-Fi Internet: Go to Network and Sharing from your Control Panel. Click on your Wi-Fi connection.
Click on properties and then click on sharing and then click on allow other network to connect through this.

Connect R-pi with your laptop. Click on unidentified network connection and then click on details so get rough idea of IP address of your pi. So your R-pi IP is somewhere between 192.168.xxx.0 to 192.168.xxx.255, note here I got xxx as 137, in your case it can be different.

Now Download Angry IP Scanner from http://angryip.org/download/#windows and run it.

Set IP range from 0 to 255 and then click Start. It keeps changing every time u restart your r-pi. Now copy this IP, run putty and paste it here. Click open, a pop up will pop click yes.

Username pi
Password raspberry

And Congrats Amigo it’s done. You r ready to go…
-Abhijeet Sinha